October 2011 - THIS week's PICTURE

Highlands Cafe with Bob, Bob and Tom: Joiner photograph by Malcolm Aslett

Bob and Bob here with Tom in a small cafe in a small town in Highland County, VA. I can remember when two bob was a lot of money. You could go to the pictures and have an iced lolly and still have money left as long as your Mum was paying for everything. I did this image with a stitching program I was trying out. What the heck was it? I forget. It provided a rather blurred effect where the heads were concerned so I reworked it in Photoshop and cleaned up edges with photo painting and the stamp tool before cropping to it's present size. The dynamic swirling of perspective is a natural consequence of this type of program and technique. Initially it is entertaining. As time goes on I feel I want more control over it.

One of the things I like about it visually is the sketch like quality of the left hand coffee cup that when studied turns out to be not the firm object we expect it to be. It's nice to see a photograph that has doubts, that seems tentative about what it is seeing. Less dogmatism in photography. That's what we're looking for.



